The Irish Farmers Association in its recent TTIP position paper estimates that the high-value cuts element of the market might represent just 9% of the…
Continue Reading....Tag: EU
Solved In 1988, the () banned importation …

In 1 9 8 8, the () banned importation of American from treated with growth hormones. Most U. S. are implanted with synthetic hormones…
Continue Reading....welfare assessment: use of resource and animal …

Among animals, may frequently suffer from poor welfare due to their intensive rearing systems adopted in many Countries. In April 2012, EFSA published a Scientific…
Continue Reading....Bovine animals – Commission – Food Safety

Animal health. Bovine animals must fulfil the animal health requirements laid down in Regulation () 2016/429 of the Parliament and of the Council (‘Animal Health…

Table 2 - Breakdown of in farming systems in the Production Cow calf (CC) Fattening (F.H) Dairy Small Total Farming Systems CC+ Sheep CC+ fatt…

A research published in the World Resources Institute in March 2021 found that two of the main products responsible for deforestation are and soy, the…
Continue Reading....United States and Dairy : Where Is the …

Hence, these dairy produce less milk than in countries with more specialized dairy sectors, with large parts of their output consisting of cereals and (Perrot…

In the Community, slaughterings decreased by 0.4 per cent to 13.01 million animals from January to July 2021 compared to the same period last year,…
Continue Reading....EuroDairy | AHDB

The purpose of the EuroDairy network is to improve the viability and sustainability of milk production . Funded by the Horizon 2020 programme, EuroDairy supports…
Continue Reading....loses 5.3 million in 15 years –

The number of in the fell by 5.3 million in a 15-year period from 2005 to 2020, according to the ’s statistics agency. Data published…
Continue Reading....stable so far in 2021 | AHDB

Lower production and tighter supplies in Ireland have offered support to prices there recently. The Commission forecasts that will decline by 1.4% for 2021 overall,…
Continue Reading....prices stay at record level | The Site

prices stay at record level. According to the 's most recent short-term outlook report, which is based on reflections of market experts within the Commission's…
Continue Reading....Poultry – Commission – Agriculture and rural development

The is one of the world’s largest poultry meat producers and a net exporter of poultry products with annual production of around 13.4 million tons.…
Continue Reading....‘Gigantic’ power of meat industry blocking green alternatives …

In the , farmers got at least 50% of their income from direct subsidies. For research and innovation spending, 97% went to animal farmers, with…
Continue Reading....Organic – Browse latest production and market data

Policies can positively impact this growth – both production and consumption. In 2022, the ’s total area of farmland under organic production grew to 16.9…
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With a further contraction of the herd, production is anticipated to continue to fall. Consumption and imports of high-quality were significantly cut due to the…
Continue Reading....Antimicrobial residues still pose risk to environment, says …

The has recognised that there is a need to reduce unnecessary use of antimicrobials in both humans and animals. Reducing the use in farmed animals…
Continue Reading....-28 Livestock and Products Annual Meat Production Hits …

& – Low milk prices elevate cow slaughter. The abolishment of the milk quota in April 2015 is driving the expected changes in the and…
Continue Reading....Why is animal production important today?

Employment: livestock employ around 4 million people (salaried and non-salaried), 80% of whom reside in the more recent member-states. Mixed crop -and-livestock and dairy account…
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The Commission Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 imposes an obligation on Polish and producers to require certificates of competence from their employees. In addition, the same…
Continue Reading....Facts and figures on organic agriculture in the

Sheep (42%) and (34%) are the most important types of organic animal production at level, after poultry. However, other types of animal production should be…
Continue Reading....herd in decline; China opening doors: Over the Hooks

The herd has been in decline since 2017 and this trend is projected to continue over the next two years as total slaughter is forecast…
Continue curb Ukraine imports | The Site

The Commission also proposed exempting farmers for 2024 from a requirement to keep a minimum share of their land fallow while still receiving support payments.…
Continue Reading....Research for agri committee – the sector …

N2 - The sector is of great economic importance within the agriculturalsector. Productivity of the sector is very heterogeneous. In the near future,a further increase…
Continue Reading....fights for reprieve on hormone-treated ban – POLITICO

Commission officials retort that the trade body’s final ruling allows the ban to stand provided Union representatives submit scientific proof demonstrating conclusively that hormone residues…
Continue Reading....EUCAS Questions and Answers – DAFF

the is from that have not been treated with Hormonal Growth Promotants (HGPs) or oestradiol and its ester-like derivatives. Individual animal identification in an approved…
Continue Reading....structures and economics – Commission

Presentation of the main economic and agricultural data for each country. Economic reports by country, region, type of farming Details on economic and financial outline…
Continue Reading....Sustainable production systems – EIP-AGRI – …

Sustainable production systems. As the EIP-AGRI Network has become part of the CAP Network, this website will no longer be updated after 1 April 2023.…
Continue Reading....Journal of Logistics Purchasing and Supply Chain …

TRACEABILITY-A THREAT TO SUSTAINABLE SUPPY OF TO : A BOTSWANA MEAT COMMSSION. Rudolph L. Boy University of Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. Abstract: A trend of bad…
Continue Reading....UK ban end in sight – POLITICO

UK ban end in sight. HOPES of a rapid relaxation of the Commission’s ban on British exports were boosted this week after a meeting of…
Continue Reading....Revealed: rampant deforestation of Amazon driven by global …

Cowherders move from in the Terra do Meio, where some ranchers have been found to flout embargos against deforestation. ... The also imports more than…
Continue Reading....updates recommendations for transport of animals

The five new scientific opinions are intended to support the ’s () ongoing review of animal welfare legislation as part of the ’s to Fork…
Continue Reading....sector: Main features, challenges and …

The sector is diverse in terms of herd size, structure and geographical distribution of between regions. is an important element of most diets, and it…
Continue Reading....Comparative analysis of buffalo, local and continental …

According to legislation [Commission delegated regulation () 2017/1182], the carcass is weighed as soon as possible after slaughter and not later than 60 min after…

The local populations were a target in the EURECA project, co-funded by the Commission ( AGRI GENRES 870/04). The general aim was to better understand…
Continue Reading....Market Prospects | The Site

prices . prices across has been sluggish for much of 2010 as consumer spending on remains below traditional levels as consumers look for increased value.…

Humans of Wagyu Butcher. A special feature of our Wagyu Online Store is that now, you can order steak portioned to your liking for our…
Continue Reading....: Livestock and Products Annual | USDA Foreign …

Contact: Office of Agricultural Affairs, The Hague | (011-31-70) 310-2300. Link to report: : Livestock and Products Annual. Forced by record high feed and energy…
Continue Reading....forecast : in 2022

In its forecast, the Commission also expects consumption in the to decrease in 2022, by about 36,000 t or 0.5 year-on-year to 6.55 mill. t.…
Continue Reading....€2.65 billion worth of Irish and offal exported in 2022

The Commission estimates that consumption across the decreased by 1% while imports to the rose by an estimated 17%. These factors contributed to prices reaching…
Continue Reading....industry policy issues in focus – Progress

The current Non-Hormone Treated program was explicitly created to help produce, source and trace through the production and processing segments to qualify the for the…
Continue Reading....bones of contention?

The 's common agricultural policy (CAP) accounts for about a third of the budget, with some €54 billion ($64 billion) in farming subsidies going to…
Continue Reading....agrees new limits on Ukraine product imports

This was before Russia's invasion, when Ukrainian exports to the were curbed by tariffs and quotas. Negotiators for the Parliament and the Belgian presidency agreed…
Continue Reading....BovINE – Innovation Network | EIP-AGRI

BovINE ( Innovation Network ) is tackling sustainability challenges, identified as urgent by the 255,000 farmers that constitute the bovine meat sector, by bringing together…
Continue Reading....Trade deal eases -US war over hormones –

A row over growth hormones used on North American ranches led to a trade war lasting more than 20 years. The new deal sets an…
Continue Reading....pumps four times more money into farming animals than …

A herd of cows on a in France. The spends ... Factoring in animal feed doubled the subsidies that were embodied in a kilogram of…
Continue Reading....production and rosé veal kept for white Welfare of calves

from the age of two months. Around 6.9 million tonnes of bovine meat ( and veal carcasses) are produced in the every year. About 70…
Continue Reading....Transforming Intensive Animal Production: Challenges and …

of scales, technologies, and management practices that directly influence day-to-day animal welfare conditions [1,3]. These challenges are now being acknowledged in the by the Green…
Continue Reading....IFA Calls for Urgent Measures to Address Brexit …

IRELAND - IFA President Joe Healy said the Commission must act now on the Brexit crisis, stop substandard imports into and also make the €1bn…
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